Terms and Conditions for AvoCats Non-fungible tokens (NFT)
AvoCat NFT/AvoCats NFT – jeton/jetoane nefungibile (eng. non-fungible token) reprezentând o colecție de 2000 de imagini unice, cu pisici având diferite trăsături si accesorii, generate algoritmic. AvoCats NFT sunt generate exclusiv în blockchain-ul Elrond, nefiind asociate cu alte opere similare de pe alte blockchain-uri (ex: Ethereum – Opensea, Solana – MagicEden, Solanart etc.).
Website – www.qlawyers.ro (QLAWYERS). QLawyers is not a commercial company and is governed by the law specific to the legal profession. In view of this, QLawyers provides legal services to the AvoCats community, within the limits set by applicable law.
Author / Assignee – The person co-opted by QLawyers to create the AvoCats NFT design.
Transfer of ownership – The transfer of ownership is done in exchange for the EGOLD cryptocurrency, through the isengardmarket.io platform. An AvoCat NFT is the equivalent of 0.7 egold (egld) in the pre-sale phase and 1.4 egold (egld) in the public phase. The destination of the funds obtained from the transfer of ownership is confidential.
Collaboration agreements – contracts concluded between QLawyers and third parties through which it provides specialized legal advice to the AvoCats community, within the limits of these Terms and Conditions, as well as within the implementation of the project.
Holder – any natural or legal person who holds one or more AvoCats in a Maiar wallet or in any wallet in the Elrond blockchain. The holder acquires exclusive ownership over the token when i) acquires it from the Author; or ii) purchases it from another person through a smartcontract in the ELROND blockchain. The owner undertakes to defend his property right and to protect himself in case of fraud. Loss of NFT does not give rise to liability of the parties to these Terms and Conditions.
Illegal Acquisition – By illegally acquiring an AvoCat NFT such as fraud, fraud or theft, the owner’s access to the community will be restricted immediately. If the person who illegally acquired an AvoCat NFT has obtained benefits from the community or partners, he or she will be liable under civil and / or criminal law.
AvoCats community – the closed group on the Discord platform that contains a maximum of 2000 members holding AvoCats NFT and which is owned and managed by QLawyers.
Moderator – Person (s) assigned to moderate the community in the Discord group and on social media.
QLAWYERS network – professionals from various fields co-opted into the AvoCats project.
AvoCats Project – A project that brings together legal specialists, in order to effectively support the cryptocurrency industry, NFTs and other business areas.
Discord –
Maiar –
Egold (egld) –
Blockchain –
Smartcontract –
By purchasing an AvoCat NFT, you agree to our Terms and Conditions. Please read them carefully. Information on our Terms and Conditions will precede any act or fact that may give rise to obligations for the Contracting Parties. Acquisition of one or more AvoCats is subject to acceptance of these Terms of Use. By purchasing a token, they purchased access to the AvoCats Community along with the benefits of this quality, not becoming partners in the Project.
These Terms and Conditions are accepted by you by the mere fact of owning one or more AvoCats NFT, representing the agreement between you and us in connection with your status as the owner of one or more AvoCats NFT. If one of the provisions of this act proves to be null and void, all the others remain as valid as possible. If you identify references related to AvoCats NFT or about the project on other websites, we do not guarantee and / or confirm in any way the type of information you will find on them. It is up to you to decide whether or not to visit these websites and whether or not to consider the information found there.
As the Project aims to expand constantly and to make them as appropriate as possible for the purpose of having an excellent collaboration with you, these Terms and Conditions are subject to change at any time without notice. Therefore, please return to this page each time you use the website.
By purchasing one or more AvoCats by you, regardless of the platform or the way you purchase the token, you enter into a contractual relationship with us and the mere possession of such a token generates rights and obligations for both us and and for you. The object of the contract is the acceptance of the Holder in the AvoCats community on the Discord platform, in exchange for proof of ownership of one or more AvoCats.
The contract between QLAWYERS and the Holder terminates on the date on which the Holder loses his status as holder, or when QLAWYERS is deregistered in accordance with legal provisions.
Membership in the AvoCats Community is made exclusively on the basis of owning one or more AvoCats and is intended exclusively for Holders
Simply owning one or more AvoCats generates rights and obligations for both you and us.
8.1. Holders’ Rights
Each Holder has the right to participate in all discussions in the AvoCats Community; each Holder has the right to ask questions and make suggestions in the AvoCats community; each Holder may request legal assistance / advice from QLawyers within the limits provided by law; each Holder may participate in events and promotions organized by the AvoCats Community, within the limits of the event organization regulations; each Holder has the right to legal advice and assistance provided by QLawyers within the limits provided by law and the status of the legal profession; each Holder is entitled to discounts on legal services provided by QLawyers within the limits provided by law, the status of the legal profession and the indicative guide to minimum fees; each Holder has the right to discuss various issues and proposals beneficial to the AvoCats Community; each Holder may request access to any of the QLawyers network professionals; each Holder has the right to negotiate the tariff for any service he accesses based on owning an AvoCat, directly with the professional who provides it; Each Holder is entitled to a discount on QLawyers services within one AvoCat, for one project every 12 months, regardless of how many chips AvoCats holds.
8.2. Holders’ Obligations
Each Holder will enjoy all the rights generated by owning a single AvoCat, regardless of the number of AvoCats he owns; each Holder is required to behave appropriately in the AvoCats Community; each Holder as an obligation to maintain the confidentiality of the contracts it enters into with any of the professionals in the AvoCats Community, both inside and outside the Community; each Holder s required to comply with the rules for the organization and operation of promotions organized for the AvoCats Community; no Holder as the right to hold QLawyers liable for the performance of contracts with QLawyers Professionals; each Holder understands that the purchase of an AvoCats token is a commercial transaction and that it has no interest in the destination of the proceeds from the sale of the tokens; In the case of requesting services from one of the QLawyers Network professionals, each Holder is entitled to a one-token discount, regardless of the number of NFT AvoCats held by the Holder.
8.3. QLawyers rights
QLawyers has the right to be the moderator of the AvoCats Community and may engage qualified people to organize it as it sees fit for its own good; QLawyers has the right to organize events with physical participation, with the exclusive participation of the Owners; in case of organizing an event with a limited number of people, the participants in the event will be selected in the most transparent way possible; in the event of violations by the Holders of the rules set forth in these Terms and Conditions, QLawyers reserves the right to remove from the online discussion groups the Holders who violate them; in the case of organizing events, both with physical and virtual presence, QLawyers has the right to establish a regulation for the organization and operation of the event, mandatory for Holders; QLawyers is not responsible in any way for contracts entered into between the Owners and the professionals within the QLawyers network; QLawyers has no obligation on Holders to specify the destination of funds raised from the sale of AvoCats chips; any professional in the QLawyers Network who will give a discount to the Holders will only grant it within the limit of an AvoCats token, regardless of the number of tokens held by the Holder.
8.4. QLawyers obligations
We attach great importance to the quality of the services we offer. We are aware that every client has certain expectations from the lawyers they turn to. Therefore, we will try to identify your expectations and provide appropriate services.
As the issue with which we provide specialist services grows, the subject matter or scope of the legal services requested may change. Whenever such situations arise, we will try to agree with you as soon as possible on the changes to be made to the subject of the services. We will provide the specialized services agreed with you, in accordance with what we consider to be a proper interpretation of the law and in accordance with the rules and principles governing the legal profession. Our entire business is subject to our internal review procedures, which leverage the vast experience of QLawyers partners. In this way, we are able to ensure compliance with internationally recognized standards in the field. We obey the requirements of the legal profession and act accordingly. We intend to provide prompt services with due diligence and attention. We will do our best to meet the deadlines set with you (although postponements are possible due to third parties or factors beyond our control). To ensure greater efficiency, it is important that we work with you. As a user of QLawyers, you will determine the strategy to be adopted and give us instructions. Our services will in many circumstances depend on the promptness with which you provide us with the necessary information. We will promptly process any request received from a Holder; QLawyers has an obligation to moderate the chats of the AvoCats Community, so that no Holder is in a situation of being the victim of bullying.
Neither party will disclose any confidential or secret information to any third party without the prior written consent of the other party, (including, but not limited to, these terms and conditions or amounts paid under a contract with QLawyers or any other partner in the QLawyers Network) which is received from the other party for the purpose of providing or receiving the contracted services in consideration of the quality of Holder. Each party agrees that any Confidential Information received from the other party will be used only for the purpose of providing or receiving services, under that contract or any other contract between Holders and QLawyers or any other partner in the QLawyers Network. Exceptionally, any of us will have the right to disclose Confidential Information belonging to the other to: (i) our own insurance companies or legal advisers; or (ii) any other third party, to the extent that such disclosure is required by mandatory law, court, governmental authority or regulatory authority, or if there is a mandatory legal obligation or requirement to disclose such disclosure. such information, provided that, without infringing a legal or regulatory requirement and where reasonably possible, the other party is notified in writing at least two working days before such disclosure.
QLawyers will be able to provide services to all members of the AvoCats Community, but in the event that QLawyers is required to provide services to two or more Holders with conflicting interests, we reserve the right to waive the assistance / representation of the holder that request assistance later. We provide a wide range of services to a large number of clients and we may be in a position to provide services to individuals or organizations in connection with whom you believe a conflict of interest may arise. Although we have established procedures for identifying these situations, we cannot be sure that we will identify all situations that exist or will exist, in part because we cannot anticipate everything a person might consider to be a conflict. Therefore, please notify us of any disputes regarding our services that you become aware of. Once such conflicts are identified, we will consider that your interests can be adequately protected by implementing appropriate procedures, we will discuss and agree on the steps we will take to maintain confidentiality and ensure that our advice and opinions are entirely objective. If we are unable to ensure that the conflict of interest is properly resolved, we will contact you to terminate our services. We will not be hindered or restricted because of our relationship with you, including any terms of these terms and conditions, in providing services to other customers. Our standard in-house procedures are designed to ensure that all information provided to you in the course of our dealings with you will be kept confidential and that the advice and opinions you receive from us will be completely independent.
All the content of the www.qlawyers.ro website – images, videos, texts, graphics, symbols, web graphics, scripts, programs and other data – is the property of the website and is protected by Copyright Law and the laws regarding intellectual and industrial property. Any infringement of copyright will be liable under the law in force at the time of the infringement.
Neither party will be liable for non-performance of its contractual obligations if such non-performance is due to force majeure. Force majeure is the unpredictable event, absolutely invincible and inevitable.
QLawyers collects personal data for the following purposes:
All data processing will be done according to EU Regulation no. 679/2016 (GDPR), as well as according to the national legislation applicable at the time of processing. Any processing of personal data will be lawful and fair. Any information and communications relating to the processing of such personal data are easily accessible and easy to understand using plain and simple language. The sale of AvoCats chips is not intended for minors. Therefore, the minimum age of the Holders must be at least 18 years.
More details on the processing of personal data can be found in the Privacy Policy available here: https://www.qlawyers.ro/ro/politica-de-confidentialitate/
in Cookies Policy available here: https://www.qlawyers.ro/ro/politica-de-cookies/ and in Terms of use available here: https://www.qlawyers.ro/ro/termeni-de-utilizare /
This Terms and Conditions are billingual and in case of conflict betwin the two versions, the romanian version shall prevail.
The contractual relations between the parties are governed by Roman law. Any dispute that cannot be settled amicably will be referred to the competent courts.